Balanced Scorecard software - Strategy2act

Managing Job Quality to Control Employee Output
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Employee job quality is a barometer to the success of an operation, and a way to control employee's output. It also helps determine which process works best and which does not.

Oftentimes, job quality is a way to gauge the effectiveness of a system used by a certain organization. This is also used in order to control the kind of output made out of using such system. But there are a couple of things that are not realized by business owners that would help them achieve goals and use simple strategies to catapult their way to success.

More often than not, administrators are more interested in the process used to complete the job instead of its output. Perhaps, this is a way to find the best practices employed in the job and how they influence other factors that determine performance and quality. In the business world, results are valued than the process used to produce such results. But business analysts found out that current business models employed by most companies no longer work and should therefore be challenged to stand the pressure of the changing marketplace, thus the need for business remodeling.

The following are just some of the few tips to help employees apply some best business practices in order to produce good results.

Reward. Just like machines, employees function better when fueled. This does not mean that employees do not get the work done if they are not given extra for what they earn, but a sound reward system makes all the difference. It does not have to be tangible all the time. Rewards can come in the form of a day or two, or a weekday off for finishing a successful project. Or in most cases, employees are given commission for accomplishing an assigned task that created revenue for the company.

Make Workplace Fun. Making the job fun while working makes the job less stressful; and it gives employees another good reason to come to work. It does not take hiring a clown to accomplish this.

Emphasize Teamwork. Job loads get lesser and become more fun when you know that everybody puts their mark on all the papers laid on the table. This means that it gets easier when the entire department of an organization is working for the completion of a certain project. The old adage had it said, “Two heads are better than one”.

Shift Flexibility. While there are things in a workplace that cannot be changed, there are perhaps things that policymakers can change in order to meet the needs of a changing or diverse workforce. Open your organization for possible shift changes, such as work-from-home or opening up a split shift schedule. Doing this gives people an opportunity to choose the schedule that fits their chosen lifestyle.

Do’s and Don’ts Awareness. We remind people of their responsibilities not because they forget, but because there is a need to. People tend to deviate from the norm and the system, thinking that others can patch in the job that they are supposed to do, or their contribution is too small, thinking that it will not affect the outcome of the project that much. Employees should be reminded that they are part of the big picture that will not be complete without them.

Get a System. A system is a guide that helps each employee perform according to the standards set by your business along with your expectations. A system does not dismiss the idea of creativity, but it works within the borders of the most accepted way to control job quality and to predict expected employee output.

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