Measuring and Improving the performance of a Recycling Process

With every passing day the role of ecology protection organizations is increasing owing to the rising environmental degradation

Numerous unjustified activities like pouring of enormous chemical waste from manufacturing facilities into oceans, deforestation carried out in un-thoughtful manner, emissions of dangerous gases in huge volumes have led to various problems like destruction of ozone layer along with acid rains and global warming.

Realizing the fact that some of the harmful activities can not be eliminated completely, these groups work in the direction of providing ways to survive "in harmony with nature". This in turn is possible by formulating methods to "minimize the negative effects" or by "carrying out processes in nature-friendly manner" or "turning the used material into re-usable ones".

Recycling constitutes a significant function of such teams. This concept pertains to materials, which have one of their raw constituents as "paper" or "metal or alloys like steel" or "plastics" or "rubber and tyres". The industry does the task of collecting the materials that are nearing their end and transforms those in such a manner that they can be used as "secondary raw materials". This way, the players of this industry shoulder dual responsibility, which is both "Social and Environmental" in nature.

Also, these organizations help other companies in devising innovative and fruitful methods of minimizing the wastages that occur in the course of carrying out the whole process. Besides this, the service range also involves assisting the needy groups in benchmarking activities. By identifying the tasks which can be modulated to result in less wastage, the clients can save on al, resources; energy and costs. Also, the possible conversion of the waste into harmful substances is prevented.

There is yet another dimension to the working of Ecology Protection Organizations. This relates to the requirement of creating demand for the recycled products. In other words, just devising answers to modify the used material is not enough. Equally important is the existence of "seekers" for the modified version.

In addition to these, another key fact is that these companies impart solutions to a large variety of clients. This wide range of functions to be fulfilled by these introduces substantial aspects, which in turn necessitate the implementation of a mechanism to quantify the performance and progress issues. Parameters that can offer help in this sense include "Waste disposal and Safety Perspective", "Customer and Policy Compliance Perspective", "Environmental and Social Responsibility perspective" and "

Waste disposal can be managed using the measures like % increase in diversion of waste from landfill, recycling rate and % decrease in waste disposal costs. Customer and Policy can be complied with in an effective manner by utilizing parameters like recycled products acceptance level, % increase in usage of recycled products and % dip in complaints regarding recycled products. Environment and Society can be taken care of by employing metrics like % reduction in gas emissions, % customer awareness achieved and number of programs arranged to improve societal participation. Operational and R&D Perspective can be measured using "number of products recycled". "number of new cost efficient methods adopted" and "% of operational waste recycled and utilized in processes of the company".