Work Productivity Balanced Scorecard

Measuring personal productivity can benefit your company in numerous ways. It's not solely based on who you should fire. That's a negative outlook to have, while measuring your own staff's productivity. You want to use this balanced scorecard to measure what needs improvement; which areas are excelling in your company, and which areas need to be worked on. For example, in the financial area, you're starting to notice some changes in the flow, as the customer area of the scorecard shows some discontent. Nine times out of ten in this example, the internal process area of your scorecard is a little vague. This is an area to be improved upon; if you don't know what level your staff's moral is at, learn. If customer service is declining, learn why, get to the bottom of it, and resolve it.

It's also incredibly important to keep track of, and measure the performance of your company's staff. The financial indicator on the scorecard describes and measures what impact your staff has on your company's finances, whether it's good or bad. The Internal Process section of the balanced scorecard describes and measures attitude of the staff, how well tasks are assigned, and at what percentage they are completed successfully, and the time it takes management to efficiently solve problems and complaints. The indicator that describes customer perspective measures the average time it takes your staff to answer customers' emails, phone calls, complaints, and letters. It also measures the percentage of customers that are satisfied with their answers; the percentage of customers that ask for management. The last indicators measures and describes the learning process of your staff; the number of employees who are currently taking on new courses, the number of new courses available to them, and how much time th ey

have to apply to further work training and education.

The portion of the scorecard that indicates the financial state of work productivity is an outline of how your target costs are being met. For the first sub-indicator, you would measure your company's target costs, and expenditures, that are in relation to the performance of your staff. The second sub-indicator you would use to measure your company's target amount of time for one account, or project, for example. The third sub-indicator can be used to measure the extra money in dollars that your company is saving, or spending in relation to the level of productivity in your staff. The fourth sub-indicator you can use to measure the additional time that is spent or saved, in hours in relation to how productive your company's staff is. Your company's financial status is greatly affected by work productivity; the longer it takes to accomplish tasks and projects, the more time is saved, the more money is saved. If you have to hire on extra employees to complete a task that should be easily covered by current e mpl

oyees, your company is not saving money.

In the second portion of the scorecard we examine the internal process of work productivity. Factors like employee morale and attitude can be measure with surveys, and worksheets, in percentages of employees who are satisfied with their work. Workers who are generally happy are more productive, which also ties in to how they approach their job, and their percentage of success rate, in the second sub-indicator. To measure efficiency and organization, use a ration of how many tasks are being assigned to how many employees. Some workloads may be higher than others; frustrated employees won't work as well as employees with a good attitude. Challenge your staff, but don't overwork them. Measure the time it takes to resolve issues in management as well; an employee who feels neglected with his or her problem will also lose faith in their own value; improve on any imbalances in order to retain efficient employees.

Many people do not readily recognize the fact that customers do have a certain significance in their company's work productivity. It is a smaller portion of the scorecard, but an equally and highly important part of the balance. While they are not directly involved in productivity, customers are affected; and anything that has an effect on customers should be measured, because they are the backbone of an establishment. Measure the average time it takes for customers to receive answers to their comments, and inquiries; productive employees will keep up with incoming calls from customers. Also, measure the percentage of customers who receive an efficient answer, by keeping track of how many customers seek management consultation; productive employees will generally solve the issue on their own, without the aid of a manager.

In the last portion of the balanced scorecard, is education and growth. This is to keep track of how well your employees are evolving, and progressing in the workplace. A worker who is not challenged, or learning anything new, will quickly become bored, and this may cause a lack of interest in their job, consequently, a loss of quality productivity. Measure the time in days or hours that are saved, as a result of work productivity that workers can apply to more training, and education for their position, or an advanced position. Also, measure the number of courses that your company provides employees with, in comparison to how many courses employees are actually taking, or have taken. Encourage those that are falling behind in training to pursue higher goals, with different professional incentives, such as pay raises, and more advanced positions. The third sub-indicator should be used to review the implementation cycle of the staff. Once they have been educated, or trained in different areas, you'll want t o o

bserve how quickly they apply their new knowledge to new tasks.