Balanced Scorecard software - Strategy2act

Contributions of Training to Employee Performance and Organizational Management
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Training is not limited to promoting efficient employee performance. It is the most effective for tool of sound management.

Modern technology does a lot of good things for businesses. It can be used to speed up production, improve the quality of products and services, and tremendously decrease delivery times to customers. These capabilities of modern technology, however, are useless unless employees are familiar with them. In inexpert hands, it can disrupt the smooth flow of work instead of making it efficient. At no time in the stages of production development has employee training become more crucial than it is today, although training has long been recognized as one of the essential tools for effective management.

The concept, scope, and methodologies of employee training have undergone many changes to respond to the need for efficiency or change in the workplace. Aside from the obvious need of new employees to get familiar with the usual policies and work system of the company that hired them, they also have to get acquainted with the technology being employed. Thus, many companies have found it useful for new employees to undergo familiarization training before letting them formally assume assigned positions.

Training is not limited to the knowledge and mastery of technology-based production processes and allowing employees, new and old, to keep pace with the constantly changing work environment. It is also used as a strategy to retain employees by preparing career paths for them. This prevents a high employee turnover rate and ensures that the business maintains high caliber employees manning sensitive positions. Another important benefit of training is that its helps businesses to develop and institutionalize a management system which can bring stability and growth. Training, after all, is not limited to the rank and file; many hours are also devoted to training middle and top level managers, to help them become efficient in the new trends, thereby having more effective ways of organizational and human resource management.

Training is the most important tool of a business to develop commitment and loyalty and to create a culture of cooperation among employees. Although monetary compensation plays a crucial role in this, a culture that develops a sense of belonging among employees not only motivates them to do their best, but also makes them hesitate to leave the company, even with more lucrative job offers.

Training and education of employees is a major investment among businesses, especially now that technology is constantly discovering new methods of doing things. According to research, various companies invest more than 100 billion dollars on employee training and education annually. New employees are getting much benefit from these intensified employee development programs. These programs are focused on providing them more than adequate knowledge and skills about the jobs they will soon assume and the company that hired them. All that money is well spent, it seems, as the same research studies reveal that these companies enjoy considerable increases in productivity.

A few decades ago, training and education is considered a necessary expense and training sessions are mostly focused on management courses for executive level employees. Today, it is unthinkable for training to have such a narrow focus. It is intended to provide the means for all employees, managers, and rank and file alike, to perform well at their jobs, and means for the business to adjust to a shifting business environment.

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