Improve Functional Software Testing Performance with KPIs

Functional Software Testing measuring KPI - Balanced Scorecard metrics template example Software testers require a well defined approach for making their testing program a success. Testing programs are conducted to ensure that the software application meets the specifications and service level expectations of their customers and KPIs can play a major role in ensuring the same.

With regard to functional software testing KPIs can be classified under four heads- Quality assurance and resource allocation perspective, Testing and Performance perspective, Testing methods perspective and, Testing skills and learning perspective.

Quality Assurance and Resource Allocation Perspective helps in tracking the quality issues and efficient resource allocation. It includes KPIs like probability of quality and functional errors, number of quality assurance techniques used, % automated testing processes and % of resources properly allocated.

Testing and Performance Perspective takes into consideration the performance aspect of the software testing programs through test coverage, % reduction in turn around time, number of test per unit size and number of reworks.

Testing Methods Perspective comprises of KPIs which throw light on different methods like black box testing, white box testing, grey box testing, and proper conceptualization.

Testing Skills and Learning Perspective includes KPIs such as communication level, % testers equipped with necessary testing skills, number of time constrained testing projects completed successfully and number of training sessions.

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Functional Software testing revolves around making sure that the pre-specified guidelines are met by what comes out as 'output'. The act of software analysis is done just prior to the final release of the product, therefore any flaw left in this stage can play havoc to the acceptance level of the software product.

Some of the areas that need attention in this bigger domain of functional software assessment are 'quality assurance', 'performance', 'learning' and 'methods testing'. By framing a suitable set of metrics under each of these, it is possible to count the steps and introduce corrections, whenever and wherever required in program testing.

One can collect this evaluation job as a balanced scorecard for future references. This management tool has measurable statements written on it that are figured after enough detailed studies into the subject. The values assigned as 'actual' are compared to the respective lot called 'target' for knowing whether any degree of drifting is occurring or not in this issue of testing of software. In case, a positive answer is obtained, corrective steps can be implemented in time and even an unfavorable situation can be tamed. Such is the utility of this management instrument that it has been used by a number of organizations to study their various processes.

More useful information for Software Development Estimation

Functional Software Testing Estimation Balanced Scoreboard Screenshots

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dashboard indicates performance within each perspective and the total performance of .

This is the actual scorecard with Functional Software Testing Measures and performance indicators.

Metrics for Software Development Estimation

This is the actual scorecard with Functional Software Testing Measures and performance indicators. The performance indicators include: quality assurance and resource allocation perspective, probability of quality and functional errors, number of quality assurance techniques used, % of automated testing processes, % resources properly allocated, testing and performance perspective, test coverage, % reduction in turn around time, number of reworks, number of tests per unit size, testing methods perspective, number of black box testing techniques used, number of white box testing methods used, number of grey box testing methods used, number of testing procedures initiated with complete conceptualization, testing skills and learning perspective, number of training sessions, communication level, % testers equipped with necessary testing skills, number of time constrained testing projects completed successfully.

Download or purchase Functional Software Testing Estimation Balanced Scoreboard

Download a trial version of Functional Software Testing Estimation Balanced Scoreboard or purchase a full version online.

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