Metrics That Help Tracking Inventory and Warehousing Efficiency

Inventory and Warehousing measurement KPI - Balanced Scorecard metrics template example When defining the appropriate set of supply chain and inventory measurements, it is particularly important to decide which metrics will yield the most benefit and information for the least investment of resources.

The key is to focus on the few measurements that really matter, i.e. those metrics that provide the most balanced view of end-to-end supply chain performance. Before identifying the few key metrics on which to focus, however, it's important to understand how they all interrelate.

The metrics reflect the underlying realities of the supply chain they measure, and as such, none exist in a vacuum.

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The issue of Inventory management has several facets- 'ensuring that sufficient quantity is available at all times', 'minimum wastage occurs', 'cost in carrying the contingency volume is least' etc. Many would agree that pile-ups are of no use no matter how scarce the inputs are. This calls for obtaining the stocks only when they are needed.

The most modern concept in managing stocks that meets all these requirements is that of JIT (Just in Time). To achieve this, a really impressive integration is needed between the operations of concerned organization and its suppliers. This lowers the resources that go in procuring and managing inventory as the expenses that earlier went into 'holding' inventory get eliminated almost completely.

Implementing these strategies sets the stage for employing yet another management tool that is potent to enough to bring all 'countable factors' under one roof. Balanced Scorecard wins the battle in this scenario. One can out down the important metrics in the form of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to be referred to in later stages. Such a measurable approach forms a well 'tested and tried' route to be treaded on.

More useful information for Inventory Performance

Inventory and Warehousing Estimation Balanced Scoreboard Screenshots

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dashboard indicates performance within each perspective and the total performance of .

This is the actual scorecard with Inventory and Warehousing Performance Indicators and performance indicators.

Metrics for Inventory Performance

This is the actual scorecard with Inventory and Warehousing Performance Indicators and performance indicators. The performance indicators include: inventory balanced scorecard, balanced scorecard designer, process perspective, part count accuracy, days of supply, lead time, obsolescence and deterioration, financial perspective, insurance, gross margin roi, avg. cost per order, lost sales analysis, storage efficiency, inventory turnover rate, inventory levels, space utilization, customer perspective, return rate, cancellation rate, non-conformance analysis, pilferage and spoilage, price of non-conformance (ponc), target ponc improvement, quality-percentage defect.

Download or purchase Inventory and Warehousing Estimation Balanced Scoreboard

Download a trial version of Inventory and Warehousing Estimation Balanced Scoreboard or purchase a full version online.

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