Balanced Scorecard software - Strategy2act

Strategy on your PDA

Now we have developed a PDA report, so you can have a copy of company strategic goals description on your PDA (Pocket PC or Palm).Strategy Tree is a great way of sharing your ideas with your colleagues and employees. With Strategy2Act program you can create a strategy tree that will describe your strategic perspectives and related goals, you can describe each goal and describe the way you do measure it and the target values you want to achieve. Now we have developed a PDA report, so you can have a copy of company's strategic goals description on your PDA (Pocket PC or Palm, any device that can open .htm file).

Share strategic perspectives and goals with your co-workers and employees 

Once you developed strategy, the most important is to let everybody within your company know about this strategy, understand strategic perspectives and related goals.

It's not just a matter of a single document called "The Strategy of my company" -- you need to develop and improve your strategy continuously. You should create new goals, measure results and achieve target values.

  • Let everybody know about about your strategy;
  • Improve and develop your strategy continuously;
  • Share your strategic vision with others;

Strategy2Act software will help you to describe your strategy and create a strategic vision, basing Balanced Scorecard methodology. Also, you will have a Strategy Tree reports, simple .htm file that you can send out to your co-workers and employees.

Strategy report for PDA

Having a copy of strategy tree report file on PDA is a great way to involve more people in strategy of your company. You can take your PDA everywhere and you will always have the representation of your current strategic vision. Having a copy of strategy tree report file on PDA is a great way to involve more people in strategy of your company. You can take your PDA everywhere and you will always have the representation of your current strategic vision. 

We re-designed a standard Full Strategy Tree report into a special PDA version. So now you can access this feature from File -> Reports menu, using "Full report for PDA" command. 

The result of running "Full report for PDA" command is a .htm file designed for PDA. See the sample report: Strategy tree for PDA

  • Create a PDA version of Strategy Tree report;
  • Send it to all your colleagues and employees;

Once you have this report file, you can copy it to your PDA and use everywhere when you need to have a look at your Strategy Tree or when you need to share your Strategy Tree with others.

Strategy2Act for sharing strategy

This is a Balanced Scorecard map designed in Mind Pad. This map allows to represent company vision and goals.With Strategy2Act program you can create and describe your strategy, mission and vision. Also, you will be able to share this information with your co-workers and employees.

  • Describe your strategy;
  • Tell everybody about company's strategy and how you are going to achieve it;

It's a good step towards creating a company where everyone knows about strategic goals, know what should he or she do to help achieving these goals.

Get Strategy2Act

In Strategy2Act newsletter we publish Balanced Scorecard (BSC) related issues and Strategy2Act features review.Strategy2Act software is a Balanced Scorecard support system. With this tool you will be able to:

  • B build and describe in details your Strategy, Mission and Vision.

  • Your and employees of your company will clear understand what is company strategy, what should we do to achieve it and if the solutions we are working with now helps us to achieve our strategic goals.

You can download a 30-day evaluation version of Strategy2Act. Download Balanced Scorecard software, Strategy2Act

You can purchase Strategy2Act software on-line. Purchase Balanced Scorecard software, Strategy2Act.


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