Tackling the issue of Global Warming using Balanced Scorecard

Global Warming can be summed up as a "necessary evil"; as complete absence of this phenomenon would make it impossible for life to exist

However, recent findings indicate that "rise in Earth"s temperature" has been fast approaching the "upper tolerable limit". This emphasizes the need to give this matter its deserving attention and devise solutions for downsizing the causes that contribute to "global warming".

There are various reasons leading to the heating effect of surroundings. The most prominent is the emission of green-house gases like CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor. Out of the set of green-house gases, CO2 emission is the most potent in trapping the heating effect of sunlight and holding it. The gas enters the environment from several sources like power plants, vehicle fuel burning, airplanes and buildings. Addition to the volume of these gases is bidirectional in nature.

This is to say that, besides the activities like fuel combustion in vehicles, which are a direct way to accumulate these chemicals; deforestation decreases their "outlets" as plants consume CO2, therefore lead to its reduction in the environment. Consequently, removal of these "CO2 absorbing entities" will have a cumulative effect on the already existing and "swelling" bank.

The requirement of decreasing these gases has paved the way for Ecology Companies, which work to promote and assist in pulling down their levels. Some of the campaigns arranged by these companies aim at urging auto manufacturers to divert their efforts toward production of fuel-efficient vehicles, decrease pollution levels from those; ask for banning of harmful fire-retardants. Also, medical suppliers are informed about the toxicity of the substances they use. Besides this, programs to decrease deforestation are also run.

The processes and jobs carried out comprise "assessments" of those projects which, in some way or the other, are coupled with chances of hurting the environment. EIA (Environment Impact Assessment), surveying, auditing, monitoring, consulting are some of the tasks that fall under their domain. By providing an in-depth analysis of the environment related risks hidden in a particular assignment, the companies make sure that the damage to the natural habitat is minimized to the maximum extent feasible.

Yet another important step undertaken by these organizations relates to recycling of various materials like aluminum, steel, paper, plastic, cloth. Re-using a given amount of aluminum and steel saves 95% and 60% of energy, respectively that would have gone into generating the same amount of metal.

In all, these groups aim at providing the residents a healthy environment by creating awareness about the need to do so via organizing demonstration projects. However, the challenges that stand in the way of these companies make the path a tough one. Some of these include the complications of the task itself as the company is required to not only develop solutions for handling the global warming issues but also create awareness about the dire need. Further, environmental and governmental guidelines are to be abided by to operate in legal framework.

These hurdles can be taken care of by structuring a scorecard with all the needed aspects in it. With regard to Global Warming, these can be- Efficiency and Collaboration, Operations and Experience, Awareness and Learning and, Funding and Recognition. The indicators for Efficiency and Collaboration can be- Survey efficiency level, objective attainment ratio, number of collaborations, etc. Operations and Experience can be measured using the KPIs- number of areas worked for, number of land-preservation approvals won and number of organizations that were assisted. Awareness and learning Perspective can be had with indicators such as number of people educated, number of campaigns arranged for, % increase in participation and number of techniques utilized. Lastly, Funding and Recognition perspective can be had with number of donation sources, % increase in corporate donations and number of government recognitions and awards won.