Utilization of Functional Testing KPIs to Improve Software Performance

Functional testing techniques are generally used to find out any kind of variances that may occur between the specifications set and the actual implementation of the software

It helps in digging out the set of incompleteness and inconsistencies in the software system which is actually hindering its true performance. In functional testing, the operational behavior and features of a software product are tested in order to ensure that these are corresponding to the specifications. Functional testing techniques and methods can be configured in the form of KPIs to be used as benchmarks to check the performance of a software program. It would automatically help in driving the efficiency in the software, reducing the operational costs and in finding the probable errors as soon as possible.

In Functional Software Testing, KPIs can be configured under four perspectives- Quality assurance and resource allocation, Testing and Performance, Testing methods, and Testing skills and learning. Quality Assurance and Resource Allocation Perspective includes KPIs in the form of probability of quality and functional errors, number of quality assurance techniques used, % automated testing processes, etc. Testing and Performance Perspective includes KPIs like test coverage, % reduction in turn around time, number of reworks, etc. Testing Methods Perspective talks about the methods used for functional testing, it comprises of KPIs like number of black box testing techniques used, number of white box techniques utilized, etc. Testing Skills and Learning Perspective consists of KPIs such as communication level, % testers equipped with necessary testing skills, number of time constrained testing projects completed successfully, etc.

Functional software testing is not an easy task to formalize and especially in case of complex applications where small errors can be very dreadful for the reputation of the company as a whole. It requires high level of skills on the part of testers to handle the intricate testing procedures. Also a tester needs to have good troubleshooting and analyzing skills and should be able to communicate properly with the developers. One of the fundamental challenges that software testing faces is that a through complete testing is somewhat impossible, so the chances of missing out the faulty lines of codes always exist. There is high probability that the testers may misallocate the resources as they have to adhere to the myths of the company processes. The test groups have to simultaneously respond to multiple missions that are often conflicting in nature and are rarely articulated properly. This may result in lose of vision on the part of testers and programmers. Which test is to be executed first, is another prob lem

faced by the testers.

As mentioned earlier, initializing a complete software testing program may somewhat be difficult for the testers, but with the help of KPIs they can get a fair idea of what are the factors that should be given due consideration. KPIs arranged in a balanced scorecard can be used as benchmarks with which they can judge their actual performance and know whether they are moving in the right direction or not.

To conclude, a successful functional testing program demands proper conceptualization of all specifications and requirements of a software. However on must note that customization of the right functional testing methods according to the needs of the software must be done.