Performance and control problems in Enterprise content management

Transforming small and simple business information into business value is a great deal to consider, and delivering trusted information by leveraging it to maximize the business value are some of the most sought out requirements of the companies these days.

As a result of these requirements, enterprise content management has emerged as a solution. It represents an all new world of corporate technology. Technologies consisting of tools and strategies to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver the contents and information related to the company and its processes are involved in enterprise content management. In this context, establishing certain quantifiable key performance indicators can be very beneficial for the organization. KPIs are metrics that can help an organization to establish practical and attainable goals, and also to measure the organization's progress towards these objectives.

In regard of the enterprise content management, a balance scorecard can have following four perspectives. Financial perspective includes cost of enterprise content management systems and percentage increase in revenues. Percentage of incidents resolved at service desk, percentage decrease in file request time, and more such indicators are included in customer perspective. Next perspective, i.e. internal processes, deals with such indicators as new technology installed, total spam control, and % paperwork reduction. Education & growth perspective includes KPIs like number of training sessions, number of inter-group coordinations, etc.

Over the last several years, companies are facing the problem of huge unstructured content that includes documents, e-mail messages, instant messages, videos, and many such data, creating a state of unmanaged chaos, thereby preventing an organization from utilising these valuable assets in the best possible way. As these assets can be used for knowledge sharing and for improving customer satisfaction, and thus, can help in improving the company's overall performance. But, unmanaged data and content can hinder the success of the company and thus, these are required to be managed in an efficient and effective way. Enterpriser content management is one such method for the better management and utilization of the necessary data. Centrally managed repository containing all the important contents with consistent categorization, integrated record management, integrated web content management, etc, are some of the noticeable features of enterprise content management. But, change is usually opposed by a number of f act

ors available in the organization. Same is the case with enterprise content management that faces a number of challenges during its introduction and implementation in the organization. One most challenging factor is the people in the organization. This is because people don't like change. They will favour this change only if they are comfortable with using new systems. Some other factors are fear of obsolescence; data migration task that can be long and tedious; etc.

KPIs can help to set certain standards that must be met by this new content management trend that in turn, will reflect its successful implementation in the organization. It provides the measures to the company through which it can easily measure how well the company is faring. Imparting a quantitative perception, it removes the subjectivity in opinions which is quite obvious in a group of people.

Although enterprise content management can act as one of the pillar of the organization's infrastructure but this requires to be managed properly to yield maximum benefits out of it. If managed properly, this new management tool can be very effective in handling all the necessary contents of the organization.