Improve Overall Performance of Crew with These KPIs

Crew Management Balanced Scorecard KPI - Balanced Scorecard metrics template example Issues related to crew management has gained prominence owing to an overall increase in crew costs. Key Performance Indicators in Crew Management play a crucial role in assessing the performance in accordance with the organizational goals.

In crew management KPIs are categorized in four basic dimensions-Compensation, Customer service, Working conditions and Training.Compensation perspective indicates the monetary and non-monetary benefits provided to the crew members in terms of Salary, Incentives, Perquisites and Medical cover.

Customer service dimension can be used to judge the customer point of view for measuring the service provided to them. It comprises of KPIs like Ratio of passenger to crew, Number of complaints, Service response time.

In Working conditions perspective KPIs like Labor turnover, Daily flying hours, Number of flights in a month and Average years of service can be grouped. It analyzes the working procedures followed by the airlines.

Training perspective talks about the training and development aspect of the crew members and it takes into consideration KPIs such as Duration of training, Number of trainers, Number of training sessions and Duration of probationary period.

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With price rise almost becoming a norm in the economic disturbance scenario, the costs of maintaining crew too has moved north. This movement has been both troubling and 'difficult to manage' for companies.

However, with an apt balanced scorecard that has all issues associated with personnel management brought together in the form of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) has the potential to put a 'full-stop' to problems that keep raising their heads every now and then. 'Workforce maintenance' can be easily handed over to this managerial device in case the organization is actually interested in bringing the staff managing costs down.

Apart from the monetary benefits experienced in the process, operations tend to be smoother and more defined with implementation of such a thought.

Beside the advantages brought for the management, employees too gain by having a transparent view of the organizational operations. This makes the subject of employee's maintenance get much simpler, is not exactly a bed of roses.

Some of the aspects that can be included in the scorecard should relate to compensation, customer service, training and working conditions of the place. The metrics' approach is for having a 'calculative' and 'measurable' answer to questions related to the workforce.

More useful information for Aviation Evaluation

Crew Management Evaluation Balanced Scorecard Screenshots

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dashboard indicates performance within each perspective and the total performance of .

This is the actual scorecard with Crew Management Measures and performance indicators.

Metrics for Aviation Evaluation

This is the actual scorecard with Crew Management Measures and performance indicators. The performance indicators include: crew management, compensation, % salary increase, incentives, medical cover, perks, customer service perspective, ratio of passengers to crew, no. of complaints, service response time, working conditions perspective, labour turnover, average years of service, daily flying hrs, no. of monthly flights, training perspective, no. of trainers, no. of training sessions, duration of training, duration of probationary period .

Download or purchase Crew Management Evaluation Balanced Scorecard

Download a trial version of Crew Management Evaluation Balanced Scorecard or purchase a full version online.

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